
Creamy Chicken Soup from Fresh and Fabulous

This soup was perfect timing for this week as Jen (my wife) and I have been fighting off some semblance of colds and sinus crap. There's nothing better than a nice hot bowl of soup to warm the soul and relieve those nasty body aches.

This recipes comes from Jen's Fresh and Fabulous, who as far as I can tell is a bit new to the blogging scene. Although by all appearances she's off to a great start! I like Jen's general outlook on cooking - a hobby, somewhat of a passion. I love excellent food, too, but I don't want to be in the kitchen for hours either. Especially if some of those hours include cleaning up.

Tonight's post is short because I'm still not feeling the best, but also because my normal procedural photos didn't turn out well, maybe it's because I felt terrible when I was making it and wasn't putting much into taking good pictures.

Jen's Creamy Chicken Soup hit the spot. It was an easy recipe with minimal prep time and very little cooking procedure. I did have to make a few ingredient substitutions, but that's no big deal. The broth has a nice flavor and consistency, and the firm vegetables tasted earthy and nourishing. Not to mention chicken, which is always welcome in my tummy.

Be sure to stop over at Jen's Fresh and Fabulous, pick up the recipe, and say hello!


  1. Looks like a glorious, comforting soup! :)

  2. It looks delicious! Thanks for sharing and I'll check it out!

  3. Looks delicious. Nothing like soup when you're fighting off illness. Hope you and yours feel better soon.

  4. Lovely! I'm roasting a chicken this Sunday...I can see leftovers being used for this.

  5. So glad you found it easy to do while sick! Hope you are feeling better and thank you for posting. :)

  6. It looks really good, especially if you're fighting off a cold. I'll head over to Jen's blog too to check it out, thanks for sharing!

  7. Chicken soup (with those cute little crackers) is so perfect when I am feeling under the weather. Hopefully you both are healthy and running around like normal by now!
